We’re Happy For SolarWorld Employees – But That’s It

By Frank Andorka, Senior Correspondent

What Happened:And so it ends. What was once the emblematic brand of the U.S. solar industry – SolarWorld – is gone, as Sunpower has announced it will snap up at least the company’s assets.:

  • As much as SolarWorld the corporation deserves scorn for its destructive behavior over the past 12 months, there really isn’t any such thing as SolarWorld as a corporation.
  • In reality, the company is made up of people – real, flesh-and-blood people – and if Sunpower’s purchase of the company saves their jobs, then we can’t be anything but happy here at SolarWakeup.
  • But don’t expect us to be happy that the executives at the company will likely be walking away with golden parachutes after leaving a swath of destruction across the industry to the tune of 9,800 jobs and counting.


SolarWakeup’s View:  No one is happier than I am to be writing this story, for two reasons. First, it means I will never have to type the name SolarWorld ever again, once this story is over. Second, it means the more than 300 employees working at SolarWorld’s Oregon facility may have their jobs saved – and I am all about actually saving jobs.

Now it should be noted that as happy as I am about saving those jobs on one of the most beautiful states in the country (and they make a mean Pinot Noir in the Willamette Valley), it is a bit sobering to realize that those jobs came in part at the cost of 9,800 jobs (and counting) thanks to SolarWorld’s unconscionable decision to support Suniva’s “if-we’re-going-down, we’re-taking-the rest-of-you-with-us” trade action last year.

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But that was not SolarWorld’s employees’ fault, and losing their jobs won’t bring the others back. So saving those jobs for the people and the city of Hillsboro is an unalloyed good. I can’t lie: I’m hoping SunPower is able to get the factory back up to its full strength of more than 800 jobs – but only time will tell if that can or will happen.

Of all the potential suitors for SolarWorld’s assets, I’m personally glad they went to SunPower, a company with a track-record of success and making things work under difficult circumstances. The purchase of SolarWorld provides the company with a much-needed complementary product to their high efficiency premium offering in the residential market. It’s good for the overall industry that this transaction takes place.

I can’t wait to see what happens next.


SunPower buys SolarWorld Americas

Oregon Solar Installers Back Legend’s Customers

By Frank Andorka, Senior Correspondent

What Happened: Oregon solar installers are rallying around the their state’s Legend Solar customers, who could have faced an uncertain future after Utah-based Legend tumbled into financial freefall.

  • Among the companies and organizations coming to the rescue are the Energy Trust of Oregon, the Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association and Elemental Energy.
  • The state’s installers have rushed in to make sure the entire solar industry doesn’t get a black eye from this high-profile bankruptcy.

SolarWakeup’s View:  When one solar company stumbles, it’s up to the rest of us to make sure it doesn’t take the rest of the industry down with it.

And so it has come to pass that Oregon solar installers have sprung into action to keep Legend Solar’s customers from falling through the cracks as the Utah-based installer started struggling financially, so severely in fact that its executives actually wrote a blog post entitled “Extreme Cashflow Problems,” according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

Legend Solar is currently doing business in three states: Utah, Nevada and Oregon. It was listed No. 167 on Solar Power World’s Top 500 Contractors List in 2017 and was the sixth largest contractor in Utah according to the same survey.

None of which matters, of course, if you’re a customer in Oregon, Nevada or Legend’s home state of Utah if you’d taken out loans to get solar installed and are now in danger of having the whole enterprise go belly up. That’s why the Oregon solar installers have leapt into the breach to make these Legend customers whole.

I’d write more, but Laurel Hamilton of Elemental Energy in Oregon (and, I should note, a protégé of California solar legend Jim Jenal), said it better than I ever could:

My company has stepped up to fulfill the orders left in the lurch by the out-of-state solar company [that] went bankrupt. We are doing this at a loss because we believe in supporting the solar industry in Oregon and in making sure people still get their systems as promised.

My team is working overtime every single day to get these systems in by the deadline to get clients their tax credit [Editor’s Note: The deadline is April 1]. Once they do, they’ll have beautiful solar systems providing their homes with 100% clean renewable energy from the sun for more than 25 years. So we’re exhausted but it’s worth it. This is what working in solar and working for a positive company, doing this for the right reasons, is all about. We don’t want the news to scare people into not trusting solar contractors.

Thank you, Laurel, for all that you and your fellow Oregon solar installers are doing to make sure as few customers as possible will be harmed by Legend’s financial tragedy. You and your team – and all the others that are helping – are what the solar industry is all about. Thank you.

EDITED: Laurel has asked me to also thank Oregon installer A&R Solar for also honoring Legend’s contracts. She also wanted to give a shoutout to SunPower and Platt Electric, both of whom are supporting Elemental and A&R’s efforts to make sure Legend’s clients aren’t left without the solar arrays for which they contracted.


Customers in three states left hanging as Utah-based Legend Solar shows signs of an ‘extreme cashflow problem’

Part 2: Industry Steps In To Help Legend Solar Customers

The Energy Trust Of Oregon

Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association

Elemental Energy

A&R Solar

SunPower Corp.

Platt Electric