Well-Funded Republicans Get Solar’s Hard-Earned Cash

By Frank Andorka, Senior Correspondent

What Happened: So Reuters reported this morning that solar companies are setting large piles of cash on fire in their parking lots…oh, I’m sorry, I misspoke. They’re actually funding Republicans. Wait, maybe I was right in the first place.

  • OK, I’m not a political naif. I know you have to give money to both sides to get things done, especially when the party that doesn’t support you is in power.
  • But seriously, solar industry? How many times do you have to get sand kicked in your face before you realize that being nice to the anti-solar side isn’t going to get you anywhere?
  • Republicans

    SolarWakeup’s View:  It has long been a pet peeve of mine that the solar industry seems hellbent on playing nice with politicians who, given the opportunity, would completely destroy the solar industry on a heartbeat’s notice.

    After all, it’s not state legislatures led by Democrats that are trying to gut net metering and other pro-solar policies around the country. And while it’s true solar is a popular issue among the voters, anyone who thinks voters get to weigh in on what these politicians are voting on doesn’t understand democracy (small “d”) in the United States in 2018.

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    Which is why Reuters’ report that the solar industry has decided to provide more money to Republicans than Democrats this cycle just makes my head want to explode. Here are the details:

    Overall, political action committees representing solar and wind companies have donated nearly $400,000 to candidates and PACs in the 2018 election cycle, including $247,000 to Republicans, $139,300 to Democrats, and $7,500 to independents, according to the Reuters analysis.

    That marks a record. During the 2016 presidential elections, the first cycle during which the clean energy industry gave more to the GOP than to Democrats, Republicans received just over half of the combined $695,470 in political contributions from major wind and solar PACs.

    To which I scream (startling the dog in the process): “WHY?”

    Look, I’m no political naif. I’ve been steeped in politics since the age of 6, when I supposedly wanted to vote for my “Uncle Carty” for president (my Uncle Carty – a nickname – was not running for president, but a former peanut farmer named Jimmy CARTER was). I’ve been heavily involved in politics ever since, up to and including local politics. I’ve watched the sausage get made, and I do not have a weak stomach.

    But in politics as in business, I’m all about return on investment, and outside of an ITC extension in 2015 (and we can debate how much of that was the result of fawning over Republicans at some other date), what has this “investment” gotten us? Wouldn’t it make far more sense to invest in politicians who might actually SUPPORT our priorities instead of merely NOT ACTIVELY OPPOSING them?

    For reals – it’s time for us to get our priorities in order and support those who support us wholeheartedly without reservation. Otherwise, you’re just throwing good money after bad.


    Clean energy sector swings Republican with U.S. campaign donations

    Interest Rates Are Rising, But Solar Is Still A Good Investment (For Now)

    By Frank Andorka, Senior Correspondent

    What Happened:Bloomberg Technology reports that despite rising interest rates, banks are still finding money to invest in solar.

  • According to Bloomberg, “While the cost of borrowing has been increasing since 2016, some banks are taking a smaller cut to win deals from solar developers.
  • How long solar is able to withstand the headwinds of higher costs of capital remains to be seen.
  • interest rates

    Money is still available for solar projects despite rising interest rates – at least for now.

    SolarWakeup’s View:  Interest rates are on the rise after years at being near zero. While normally such increases in capital costs would inhibit investments in solar projects, Bloomberg Technology (BT) reports that is not the case – at least for now.

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    The reason, BT suggests is that banks are now looking at solar as a much safer investment than in the past, which means they are lowering their solar risk factors. In essence, the rise in interest rates is being canceled out because the banks are charging less of a premium because it is considered less risky than in the past.

    BT also notes that fewer projects available this year, thanks in part to last year’s uncertainty engendered by the trade dispute with the rest of the world. Fewere companies were willing to commit to projects this year as a result – meaning for those banks interested in adding solar to their portfolio, there’s more competition to land them. The competition, combined with more comfort with the solar as an investment class, is keeping costs lower.

    But….and you knew there was a “but” coming, right?

    The unanswered question in BT’s piece is how long the atmosphere will remain this solar-friendly. After all, BT predicts more projects will enter the pipeline starting in 2019, meaning the balance of power between projects and available cash will once again shift in the lender’s direction. And while solar is increasingly considered a safer investment than it once was, it is not as safe as, say, U.S. Treasury bonds. If interest rates are 8% on a solar investment with some risk but 4% or 5% on bonds with virtually no risk, will investors still choose solar?

    Those questions, for now, are in the future. For now, money is still flowing into solar as investors have become more comfortable with the investment class – and that’s good news for everyone.


    Banks Are Sweetening Their Terms for Solar as Confidence Rises