This is your SolarWakeup for August 14th, 2019

The Power Consolidation. Brookfield is said to be interested in acquiring Pattern Energy which signals that institutional investors are looking for more capital deployment opportunities. Look for this to continue. 

MIT Finds Value. Putting a price on the societal benefits of renewables has been hard to do but now MIT shows that increasing renewable energy in the communities forgotten by coal means not only job opportunities but also health benefits far surpassing the cost (which has been argued to be exaggerated).

Michigan Deal. Big release of PURPA queue in Michigan. I should have bought some of those pipelines that came across my desk. If you need some capital for your project, I don’t mind brokering those for you :).

Climate Change. Washington Post is out with a major data driven story on climate change. If you can stomach it, it’s worth the read. 

CA Lobby Day. Join me next Wednesday in Sacramento for CALSSA’s lobby day. You need to advocate and invest your time, bring a check while you’re at it. Give me your card at the event for a SolarWakeup shout out. Register here 


Have a great day!
