This is your SolarWakeup for May 15th, 2019

The ITC Talking Points. While the Solar Summit is going on in Arizona, the talk about the future of solar is coming back to the ITC. Across the board the response is that the ITC should be extended but we will survive if the ITC declines by the 4%. The industry is coming together on the need for the extension, which is a positive step in the right direction. More on this to come soon but I do want you to be more optimistic than 10-15% for the ITC extension. 

Ignoring Solar and Storage. Virginia utility Dominion has ignored solar and storage for their planning process. This has spectators including large energy customers up in arms about the short sightedness for the solar purpose of trying to build more natural gas power. But if they were watching Indiana, even there the regulators have said no to new gas power. 

Race In Oil Majors. The headline says it all. While Shell has been quite busy, as have the European IPPs, some shareholders are BP are wondering what the leadership is thinking. Part of the strategy is unknown to those of us outside of the boardroom but surely some analysis is going to the displacement of fuel based transportation and how to make up the customer erosion from those that go to electric vehicles. BP is likely to make some plays including the generation of the fuel that will fuel their customers’ future transportation. They’ve got the cash and have been here before. 


Have a great day!
