This is your SolarWakeup for April 22nd, 2019

Two More Pods. Find my conversation with Mary Barber of the Environmental Defense Fund and a discussion on development of solar projects in New Jersey. If you haven’t subscribed to SolarWakeup’s Podcast, I’d appreciate you trying it as we continue to grow this platform. Our interviews from Boston will start populating over the next few weeks, make sure to catch them as soon as they get out. 

VDERs Redefined, Applauded. The NY PSC came out with major updates to the VDERs that enable more solar to get done in New York State. Some of the updates include the revision on the valuation for solar generation and provisions that enable more community solar to get done. It also increases net metering to 750kW to get more commercial properties to install on site generation. 

Nevada Goes The Distance. Last week we applauded the NV Senate for passing the expansion of the RPS and now we will do the same for the NV Assembly. This is the next step in a long process for Nevada to do the will of the people. The Governor is expected to sign the legislation before it goes back to the voters. 

The Climate Mentality. There has been a 50% growth in people thinking that climate change will cause harm to them personally since 2008. 73% of respondents to the poll said that it will cause harm to future generations. Put this into context that we now know that part of the 2016 rhetoric from outside functions was to divide Americans with coal. This means that it’s okay to talk about jobs and economic opportunity at the same time as climate policy. It will now take proper talking points to explain that energy sectors like solar are inherently tied to policy, innovation alone will not do the trick.


Have a great day!
