This is your SolarWakeup for February 26th, 2019

Climate Leadership In Mass. The MA House Speaker has come out for a 10 year, $1Billion program to advance clean energy infrastructure. This is a long leap into the future for the legislature that is still pushing to advance net metering caps and is now running the SMART program. At the same time, solar is growing within corporate and community solar programs, many of which will be discussed at Live! Use DISCOUNT CODE SWLB20 for 20% off your ticket at 

Insider’s View From Climate Coverage. I enjoy reading Amy Harder’s columns because as a well known reporter and journalist she covers things I find interesting. She also doesn’t shy away from giving her point of view as she does in this column about why writing about climate is becoming more interesting in this environment. Her column made the Mike Allen top 10 yesterday morning which means the White House is trying to learn about climate and energy journalism right now. That’s part of the interesting side effect of the politics of the Green New Deal and kids fighting for climate change policies, our market is talked about more than ever before. I think the solar industry actually does a pretty bad job of transcending the media landscape given the central role we play in all of this and the public perception/approval that the solar industry does. I think it’s time to see folks like Abby Hopper, Bernadette del Chiaro and Adam Browning on stage next to Al Gore, AOC or in studio at Morning Joe or Fox and Friends. 

Tough DC Take On Huawei. The headlines have been brutal for Huawei, which has been working hard to enter the US with the inverter business. Most of the news coverage have been aside from the solar angle but that is now changed. Senator Cornyn wrote the letter which was signed by 11 Senators including Burr and Warner. 

No. I wrote a few tweets about this yesterday because the one aspect of the Green New Deal that I have found liberating is the uncompromising approach it has. It’s 100% and it’s in 10 years. Most RPS either water down the percentages or take a long term approach. Why would a utility build another gas plant you ask? Because it is the best thing for the rate base today even though the utility could forward buy solar with storage at rates much better.


Have a great day!
