This is your SolarWakeup for November 28th, 2018

NRA For Solar. Yesterday was giving Tuesday and one of the groups I’d like to point out to you is the Solar Rights Alliance. The intention of the group is to focus on activating solar homeowners much like the NRA does. In the initial roll out, the hypothesis worked. The Solar Rights Alliance was able to activate and engage solar homeowners to make calls and send emails to legislators. SRA is looking for more financial backing but it is also looking for access to grow the homeowner base, make sure to get acquainted and reach out to them to learn more. 

Where Solar Installs. Part of the issue with the above exercise is the lack of data of homeowners that went solar. One startup is putting this data to work and help solar companies get more granular. I’ve personally used and paid for the data that comes from Ohm Analytics because I think that a solar community of like minded homeowners is one of the most valuable assets in solar. 

Based On Alternative Facts. In yesterday’s White House Press Briefing, Sarah Sanders said that the National Climate Assessments wasn’t based on facts. See for yourself in the clip below. 

SEIA Backs Storage ITC. Frank talks to Abby Hopper, CEO of SEIA, about SEIA’s letter asking for energy storage to be added as an eligible technology for the ITC. 

PG&E Did What? A lawsuit has been filed by PG&E customers and a new report filed with the CPUC shows that PG&E was indeed worried that winds would require that the grid be shut down but decided it didn’t need for it to happen. This is going to work out in the legal system and undoubtedly find its way into the legislative process next summer once again. 


Have a great day!
