This is your SolarWakeup for November 13th, 2018

Your Help Is Needed. The solar family is looking for your help during the tough times impacting some of our colleagues in the Camp Fire in Paradise California. CALSSA has set up a donation page and your generosity is greatly appreciated, any amount helps get solar pros that lost everything back on their feet. 

008.3 Solar Bonds. Duke Energy is going out for the poorly marketed green bonds. I look forward to seeing the spread between these and the corporate bonds and hope that they are aligned given the risk profiles. 

Does Resilience Sell? Last week I asked what the sales pitch was for energy storage and many of you responded that the recent storms are part of it. I agree that storms cause people to think about it but pulling the trigger for backup power alone is a 1% problem. Unless I am wrong, I don’t think resiliency is a sales tool but more of a lead generation tool. 

Barrier In Community Solar. Community solar is growing rapidly and with that comes innovation. Some folks have said that the hardest part is the subscriber enrollment and management which equates to new companies coming up with ways to service developers looking for off takers. Frank fills you in. 

IOU To Retail Market. This may not be a serious endeavor, I hope the Arizona readers fill me in on what this really means politically. But any PUC looking at the value of IOUs and allowing retail competition seems like a giant leap in the right direction, undoubtedly where we end up anyways. In order for a 100% renewable future, we must have wires companies and retail competition, rate basing generation means staying stuck in antiquated transactions. 

Solar Jobs In Midwest. This is a great time to look for a great job in the midwest, at the jobs fair you will see hundreds of solar jobs competing for installers, electricians, sales consultants and more. This means higher wages and a great future for Americans in the midwest. 


Have a great day!
