This is your SolarWakeup for September 19th, 2018

Quick take on the tariff issue before taking the day off for some atonement. See you Thursday and let’s make sure to say hello at SPI. I’ll be tied up peddling the best mounts in solar but you should check out the private preview room by reaching out to your Quick Mount reps. I will be at several nighttime events and hope to see you at some of them to say hello.

SunPower Gets Relief. I know people will view this from a market standpoint and I understand if you stand on either fair/not fair side of the aisle. I do think it’s important that the Government saw the different in the IBC technology but would have liked to see it get relief across the board. SunPower markets itself in the trade case as the Apple of solar, doing R&D and corporate HQ in the US while manufacturing across the globe. The side effect of SunPower not being subject to the 201 tariff is what happens to the SolarWorld USA factory in Oregon. The transaction is not closed yet and no indication that it won’t close. It could also anger the Trump administration or Senator Wyden if SunPower didn’t proceed with the plant acquisition so I don’t expect any last second changes. Register now, register often and share the event with your friends and colleagues. Then get your company to sponsor the event as well!


Have a great day!
