California’s SB 700 Moves Forward To Full Assembly Vote; Next Three Weeks Are Critical

By Frank Andorka, Senior Correspondent

Last week, more than 200 solar + storage advocated descended on Sacramento to push for passage of of a significant energy storage bill.

Their efforts seem to have had the desired effect, as SB 700 – an energy storage bill that fell completely off the legislative radar last year – is now front and center as it moved out of the Assembly’s Appropriations Committee and on to the full assembly floor. The bill would extend the incentives for the popular Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP).

Between it and SB 100, which would move California to a 100% renewable portfolio standard (RPS), the next three weeks could be absolutely critical to pushing the full clean energy agenda forward in The Golden State.

As Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of California Solar & Storage Association, told the attendees of its Lobby Day, now is not the time to get complacent.

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Del Chiaro wrote in a note:

We now have three weeks to put the bill on the governor’s desk. Next week, if all goes well, SB 700 will be put to a floor vote giving all 80 assembly members a chance to vote for it. We need at least 41 votes to ensure its passage out of the assembly. Stay tuned for action alerts on how you can add your voice to this effort.

If we clear the assembly, we’ll head back to the senate for a concurrence vote. The bill passed the senate last year with 23 votes (need a minimum of 21) and faces less opposition this year due to amendments taken in the assembly. But you never know. It is the end of session so things get a little crazy.

We need to be loud and stay vigilant.

The momentum started at Lobby Day next week is the perfect example of what a motivated, strong show of support for solar at the state level can do. We applaud Del Chiaro and urge solar industries in other states to study and learn from California’s example. Together, we are an unstoppable force. Let’s translate California’s success into success across the country.

Oh, and stay vigilant, California – your battle isn’t over quite yet.