This is your SolarWakeup for July 20th, 2018

Go Solar, Save Money. Now that the 5 tech companies make up 50% of the value in the S&P, you have to ask yourself what it takes for the remaining 495 companies to jump on the bandwagon. I know the idea is that those 5 companies make so much money that solar is a nice to have, but I assure you that on a portfolio basis that it is going to make them money. Retail energy companies have been an interest of mine for many years, that’s why I like to continue to highlight CleanChoice Energy. They come up all the time in my work and our customers overlap because they want solar on their house if they can and use renewable energy for everything else. Moreover, corporates want to have solar but it can’t be complicated which is a specialty of the solar industry. I’m interested to see how CleanChoice continues to innovate and how their competitors follow suit. Thus far the copycats have been scarce.

Use Credit To Drive Scale. It was just over a year ago that I had the opportunity to sit with the amazing solar ambassador, Bill Walton, at the PAC 12 Sustainability Summit. Together we spoke about the meaning and opportunity solar presented to the universities. My message was, as it is today, that entities with large usage and good credit can work backwards. Identify the sites (or even think offsite) and outline the energy price that works for the entity, then go big. It is hard to find an entity that has its data together, anywhere in America, that couldn’t save money with solar if they contracted for a large enough portfolio. As Vote Solar’s Thad Culley wisely said yesterday on Twitter (I’m paraphrasing), solar already makes financial sense, this is a question of morality!

Great Logic, Wrong Implementation. Utilities helping customers buy electric cars is the right idea, helps the ecosystem and increases demand, but it is the wrong policy and use of funds for utilities. Consumers already want electric cars but their fear is not knowing where to charge the cars. This isn’t range anxiety, this is fear of the unknown and fear of the logistics required. How do I add a charger to my house? Who installs it? What do I install and where do I buy it? Where else can I charge? Those are the questions that go into the mind of someone that wants an EV but can’t get the answers. Utilities should have a hotline to answer that and if consumers want an EV, utilities should provide and install the charger in their home while at the same time drastically increasing the number of charging stations. Remove the fear and consumers will buy their own EVs.

Fix The AD/CVD. The impact on the silicon manufacturers is one of the worst parts of the overall solar trade war. These were amazing infrastructure investments made by companies in parts of the Country where solar still struggles to get off the ground. Instead of net metering being attacked in Michigan, silicon could be made there and sent around the world, the same is true for Tennessee. Removing the AD/CVD and replacing it with a domestic aid package funded by import fees is exactly the way we need to go. US made silicon would then travel the world once again.

Showing Off Resi Solar. Are you installing awesome systems across America? Let’s show off some pictures on this platform. Send me a picture with your logo and location (city and state) on the image and I’ll post it on the newsletter. Every homeowner is a solar advocate and let’s help them show off their investment in the future!


Have a great day!
