This is your SolarWakeup for May 11th, 2018

The payoff. Nathan Arbitman of DSM Advanced Solar was the winner of the SolarWakeup Bracket Challenge for March Madness. Read his post about the work he is doing in today’s top story. Have a great weekend!

The PV Innovation Race is On. Like many of you, I’ve committed my career to the cleantech industry because of the moral imperative to accelerate the clean energy revolution, as well as the unprecedented wealth creation opportunity this transformation brings. And I’m always asking myself, how we can make this transition happen even faster? I joined DSM Advanced Solar, a leading PV technology provider, to create build provocative and powerful partnerships that accelerate value creation in the PV market. DSM is working with partners of all shapes and sizes to drive science-based innovation— how might we work together to accelerate your company’s growth?

Political Chaos Leads To Success. In a different world, Nevada never guts the solar market. There isn’t a deep fight, with lawsuits, that completely annihilates the solar industry. Instead, a settlement is reached that leads to slowdown but things stay in place. Which scenario would have a better solar market today? That’s my question for Connecticut today. How hard are you willing to fight? Politics is a full contact sport, don’t be a spectator.

New Pod. Don’t forget you can get Barry Cinnamon’s podcast, The Energy Show, right here on SolarWakeup.

Need To Explain? Two value of solar reports. Two States. Two Results. Do I really need to tell you why that happens? #utilities


Have a great day!
