This is your SolarWakeup for February 23rd, 2018

Join Me In San Francisco. I’m excited about this conversation in San Francisco. After a rollercoaster ride in 2017 with 201 and tax reform hanging over our sector most of the year, time for big money to get deployed in 2018. Whether it comes in the form of pension funds, large acquisitions or for the C&I market to finally grow with PACE across the Country, these are the topics you’ll hear about at the event. If you have any exciting ideas for speakers, please let me know. Reserve your seat here.

NJ Dealmaking. Good news from New Jersey now that the new administration has taken over. There was an RPS fix bill sitting by itself and the solar community found a play to make to get it attached to another piece of legislation, Senate Bill 877. It will increase the solar carveout and add significant energy storage capacity as well. NJ has long been the place to develop projects and it’s been tough in recent years. With this fix, addition of storage revenue streams and PACE coming up at the same time, look to NJ to be another great place to be for the solar community.

Take The Path Good For Solar. In politics, there are often strange bedfellows. In this case, there was a nuclear bailout/subsidy bill that had the momentum to make it through the legislature. When you have legislation that you want passed, you seek out this momentum and attach yourself to it. I know many people view this as bad since we are into fusion of the solar type but that’s not the right way of looking at it. Don’t blame the solar advocates either, their job was to pass a bill to fix the solar carve out and they did. Much like the ITC getting extended in a deal to remove the oil export embargo, solar wins in the end.

Bigger Community Solar. New York is increasing the community solar cap to 5mw from 2mw, which is a great move and makes a big difference in a time where the VDERs make it tough to pencil. Great job to New York regulators and advocates.

Sponsor This Space. As you saw over the past few months, sponsors of the Live! events get space in the newsletter, website and the text area to tell their story. Time is now to get involved for the SolarWakeup Live! event in San Francisco. So build your landing page and get your message out to the people in solar that read this newsletter. I bet you can name the New York sponsors, so email me to talk about your sponsorship.


Have a great day!
