This is your SolarWakeup for November 2nd, 2017

Tax Reform. The House tax writers are working overtime trying to get the tax plan to the members. Some rumors are circling that the solar ITC could be on the block. Realistically, the tax plan has a lot of headwind and even if it gets to the President, it will be very unlikely that the ITC will be cut. The tax rate reductions would be the more important number to watch which will impact the supply of tax liability – and reduce value of the depreciation.

Just The Thought. Solar fails the basic power test. What is the repercussion to a politician for floating an anti solar idea, let alone vote against solar? The answer is – nothing. We don’t play politics, we’ve shunned solar advocates that play politics. The solar coaster will continue until we get off the bench and grow up. Our budgets are too small and we don’t do the hard work that would identify politicians that are willing to sell out on solar before they ever gain power. For example, my County commissioner voted in favor of a resolution that favored the utility against solar. He is now running for State Representative in a race where the margin is a couple thousand votes. A solar advocacy campaign can derail his political career right here and right now but we won’t be there to do it and in a few years he’ll be running for progress with no repercussions on his anti-solar vote.

NOPR #1. The root of the coal subsidy in the NOPR is having 90 days of fuel supply. Solar, especially with storage, would make sense to qualify. I didn’t ask the question to Jon Wellinghoff but we talk about the process that could impact the power markets you are working in. Podcast here.

NOPR #2. Join me on the 7th of November in DC at MDV SEIA’s Solar Focus Conference as I interview CleanChoice Energy’s CEO, Tom Matzzie. We’ll be discussing the impact of the NOPR on energy prices and some potentially fraudulent trades on gas capacity. If you’re not watching and learning about power markets, you are not realizing where your market is going.

Transcript. Most podcasts, including Episode 023, will not have a transcript in the post if you prefer to read the text of the conversation.

Read For Yourself. Are you confused about the different recommendations that the ITC commissioners voted on? Find the individual statements in the post below.

DC Happy Hour? As I mentioned before, the important next step in the 201 process is the trade representative hearing on the 6th, the same day as Live! DC. There will be a large contingent of the solar industry in town. I’ve been asked if I would plan and host a happy hour to get together after the hearing and after Live! DC. If you are interested in co-hosting and sponsoring this event, reach out.


Have a great day!
