This is your SolarWakeup for July 31st, 2017

A Corporate Deal That Makes A Difference. It seems to me that JP Morgan going corporate including a goal to deploy capital is different that the Amazon/Facebook/GM/Ikea/WalMart announcements before it. JP Morgan has quite a track record in solar, big equity and tax equity alike. Hitting $200bb isn’t just good for our industry but it’s a good thing for investors in JPM as well. Being a customer only makes sense given that investors need as many deals as possible with great offtakers.

Series 6 Paying Off. Wall Street had some doubts about First Solar’s double down on manufacturing. The company has made much of its cash on development, betting early and often on interconnections. It’s been mentioned that FSLR is a winner in the 201 petition but I wouldn’t get too conspiracy theory on that given the leap in technology that FSLR was banking on before the petition was ever filed.

Going Local For Customers. Last month, at the PAC 12 Sustainability Summit, I had a simple message to the leaders in the room. You are the perfect customer and there is no deal that shouldn’t get done. Too many meetings have happened over the years where the discussion about solar ends with “it doesn’t pencil right now.” Really the question should be posed, what does it take to get a deal done at XX cents per kWh? Do we need to go bigger? Do we need to do a virtual net metering deal? Mayors can do the same. By talking to the market, doing solar deals can be done almost anywhere in the Country.


Have a great day!
