This is your SolarWakeup for June 19th, 2017

I am on the way to San Francisco as I spend the last week of the Energy Storage Road Show in the Bay Area with a quick stop in Sacramento on Wednesday.

Sandoval Goes Back To Politics. The legislature in Nevada crafted really forward thinking policy for its constituents this year. The Governor was quiet throughout the process and after signing the net metering bill on Thursday, vetoed 2 bills related to solar on Friday. The first would have created a community solar market in Nevada which would have brought solar to renters and homeowners with bad roofs for solar. He also stopped the bill that would have increased the RPS to 40%. Much of this was in response to opposition by ‘the boulevard’ and his continued hope to move to Washington. A missed opportunity in my opinion for the Governor to play politics by supporting solar.

Faces To Political Issues. Mainstream news outlets are doing a good job to see who is affected by the changing economy. This isn’t a good/bad economy problem, but a old/new job opportunity issue. As part of this, I would like to hear from you about interesting career paths on your teams. There is a political connotation to this and I want to show that people from all sorts of backgrounds found work in solar. Did they come from oil or coal? Laid off from another trade contractor? Anything interesting and appeals to mainstream America, please send me an email.

Florida Hates Taxes. We don’t have an income tax and now commercial solar will get a large property tax reduction thanks to the leadership of Senator Jeff Brandes and Vote Solar. Vote Solar’s team pushed for this years back and stuck through the process by getting a legislative push to bring it to the voters. Well done by all.


Have a great day!
