This is your SolarWakeup for February 22nd, 2017

100% for the win. While the Federal government wants to regress, and fail at leading us all into the future, leave it to California’s legislators to take the reins. The legislature has filed a bill to bring the 50% RPS to 100%. It had failed in the past due to the oil lobby’s push against the increase of fuel efficiency standards but this time it looks very promising. Bryan and I spoke about this with Senator Wiener on EnergyWakeup.

Do it yourself. Across the globe there is a new trend that is changing the world in amazing ways. When the poorest among us are without energy, light or clean ways to cook, they are turning to solar energy. No longer having to wait for dirty coal plants or costly transmission, solar is bringing access to new opportunities.

Florida Inside Baseball. Spring training is just getting started but there is some great political inside baseball going on in Florida. The Governor and the Speaker of the House are engaging in a battle royale regarding corporate welfare. Specifically, this battle is about tourism marketing and economic development dollars. Keep in mind that this is republican infighting. So you can imagine the irony in watching FP&L rate basing 800MW of solar while keeping the market monopoly away from private sector competition. Nothing to see here! That’s why we keep the capitol in Tallahassee.


Have a great day!
