This is your SolarWakeup for January 9th, 2017

Sentiment matters. Journalists are trying hard to find trends in thoughts when stories don’t exist in news. I appreciate that the New York Times is trying to showcase that investors are looking at cleantech as the wise investment going forward, that’s not news however. The problem is that in every regulation, an additional level of doubt will be priced in. What if this, what if that? A dollar here, a dollar there and you may start talking about real money.

What is happening in storage? Seriously, I want to know. I get the trend in residential but what is the market? How big is it? Where does it make financial sense for the consumer? The money for 3rd party products is crazy expensive still, so the scale must be small. I want you to tell me where that market is going because as much as it seems to be solar in 2007, I feel like we are skipping over a few steps.

If A then B, maybe. I am fairly certain that no new coal power plant will be built in the US, ever. (send me a note if you disagree) I also think that outside of some constraint electricity markets, a deregulated natural gas power plant will have some trouble getting money. How would the fuel hedge happen, if at all? So obviously, the focus of new power is in the regulated power markets where consumers provide the fuel hedge free of charge. I caution anyone in solar to mistake the concerns in the fossil markets to mean that the money will automatically flow to renewables. I don’t see that happening because the investor mindset is completely different.


Have a great day!
