This is your SolarWakeup for December 22nd, 2016

Arizona goes full tilt. The ACC is accomplished its long standing mission. Net metering in Arizona will be replaced with some version of export pricing under the cover of value of solar pricing that stops the ‘cost-shift.’ This could spell the end of mainstream solar in one of the largest States in residential solar. The first half of 2017 could be interesting for the public companies as the various changes are implemented.

The breakthrough fund explained. Kleiner’s John Doerr explains the new Bill Gates fund to Fortune. Some interesting items of note. This is an extremely long dated investment fund. Call it 20 years to make some breakthroughs to solve the energy problem. A big opportunity is in electrifying transportation by causing drastic efficiency improvements in batteries. And policy matters, while the fund is not an advocacy group, it will push investments to be active participants in the policy process.

Community solar still weening. In Minnesota, the expectation was to have 250MW installed by the end of this year, yet it seems that number is just 55MW. There was a lot of activity in the development process but as these things go, things went slower than expected. I don’t expect that it will remain low into 2017 as projects should proceed after the ground allows for installs to proceed.


Have a great day!
