This is your SolarWakeup for September 27th, 2016

Solyndraaaaa! It’s not a Presidential debate without mention of a ‘failed’ loan guarantee for Solyndra. I think Trump’s biggest issue with Solyndra isn’t the taxpayer funds, it’s that private dollars to the tune of $1billion were lost too. Let’s remember that the loan guarantee is going to MAKE the taxpayers money when it is all said and done. Hillary Clinton noted clean energy in her opening (#jobs) and then again when it came to creating prosperity in America (#jobs). Solar was named because at this point solar=clean energy and the jobs from dying coal and gas sectors are going to solar. We are providing good jobs and good pay for hardworking Americans across the Country. Solar is doing the job America needs us to and it was front and center during the debate. Trump didn’t even know Solyndra’s name, it’s an issue that didn’t work for Romney and it’s not working now…


Have a great day!
